Category Archives: General

CHU & WWV vs Rigol DSA815-TG

The other night I had a conversation with Ernie (VE3EJJ) about spectrum analyzers, etc. and he asked if I had tried tuning in CHU or WWV on the spec. an. yet. Sheepishly I said “no,” having never thought to undertake … Continue reading

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Characterizing a Bencher YA-1 low-pass (TVI) filter

Some time ago I bought a couple of low-pass / TVI filters from a ham-fest. It is mandatory to ensure that you are not producing out-of-band or otherwise harmful interference and so having such a filter assists in ensuring that … Continue reading

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An early Christmas ..!

As many experienced radio amateurs will tell you, ours is a hobby with a rich history of sharing knowledge and helping each other accomplish tasks which would otherwise be beyond our individual abilities. I do my very best to help … Continue reading

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New test gear & and update

So I’ve been very bad at updating lately but to be honest, there hasn’t been a whole lot to say! Back in April, I placed an order for some test equipment which I’ve been drooling over for a few years. … Continue reading

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