Monthly Archives: April 2020

MFJ-4117 Bias Tee – 0.06dB loss

In order to remotely power my SG-230 Smartuner which will (temporarily) live in my attic to “tune” a large vertical loop antenna, I opted to use a bias-T to inject DC power onto the coax. Bias tees are passive components … Continue reading

Posted in General, Lab / Testing | Tagged , , , , , | 4 Comments

Electronics EDA software – Time for change (enter KiCad)

Since roughly 2010, I have been using (formerly) CadSoft’s EagleCAD electronic design automation software quite happily. It took a lot of getting used to (it had a very steep learning curve) but I became quite good at using Eagle. I … Continue reading

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Testing and improving station frequency accuracy & precision

So your digital mode software is configured to control your transceiver via CAT control (excellent!). The software indicates that you are currently on the 20m band in FT8 mode, so your radio has been tuned to 14.074MHz USB (or digital … Continue reading

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