Monthly Archives: November 2010

OVMRC Course – Week 9

This Week: *AC theory test & review *Power Supplies by VE3EJJ This week’s session started with an informal test of our AC theory knowledge. I really like the fact that the course provides for these tests of knowledge as I … Continue reading

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Solving, writing, re-writing …

Still plugging away at my pet-project. All said and done, Word 2007 tells me I have put 27 hours of seat-time to this project so far. I am maybe a tad too OCD for editing something like this. Everything has … Continue reading

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Working Birds w/ Ernie

Today I stopped by the club station (VE3JW) to learn a few things about operating a radio. When I arrived at the station, Ernie (VE3EJJ) was a blur of activity as he turned dials, pushed in buttons, and still had … Continue reading

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My new project: Basic & Advanced Worked Examples

I have decided to change the format of my personal Advanced exam study-notes to an open format which focuses heavily on equations, showing how they can be solved. I realize that there are plenty of people out there who would … Continue reading

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