Monthly Archives: February 2012

Sound-card interfaces … home brew one!

After talking with a recent course graduate about operating using digital modes, etc., the topic of radio-to-computer (sound card) interfaces came up. For those who are unaware, a sound-card interface allows one to safely connect their radio’s audio input and … Continue reading

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Proper operating practices & contests ..

For the love of god, QRL (the frequency is in use)! QSY (change frequency)! This weekend the CQ WPX RTTY contest is in full swing and so, naturally, all the rule breakers and ignorant operators are out in force. It … Continue reading

Posted in Operating | Tagged , , , , | 3 Comments

Software Defined Radio (SDR) on the Web

For those who are interested in amateur radio or short-wave listening, there are a number of web-based radio stations which you can use to monitor the air-waves. These resources are so handy in fact, that operating amateurs sometimes make use … Continue reading

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