Tag Archives: library

ALC Project & RasPi Updates

Hi all, Well .. I haven’t updated the blog in a while as I did not have any updates to share at the time. Since my last posting, I have placed a rather large order with DigiKey which has allowed … Continue reading

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Yaesu FT-857D CAT control library for the Arduino

Well … I did it! I managed to write and document an entire CAT control library for the Arduino (Wires) development platform. The library is very straight-forward and covers 95% of the functions available for CAT control. For the time … Continue reading

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CAT control & ALC sensing complete!

I’ve finally managed to finish my Arduino CAT control project! Woo hoo! The project took longer than anticipated due to a number of reasons, one of which being the fine weather we’ve enjoyed this summer (and all the camping that … Continue reading

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