Tag Archives: FT857D

Mobile Operating ..

Well, time to pack up the radio gear and make the long trek out to Webwood once again this year. Tomorrow morning, we are off to visit Julie’s mother & her family to spread some Christmas cheer and so this … Continue reading

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ALC Project & RasPi Updates

Hi all, Well .. I haven’t updated the blog in a while as I did not have any updates to share at the time. Since my last posting, I have placed a rather large order with DigiKey which has allowed … Continue reading

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Yaesu FT-857D CAT control library for the Arduino

Well … I did it! I managed to write and document an entire CAT control library for the Arduino (Wires) development platform. The library is very straight-forward and covers 95% of the functions available for CAT control. For the time … Continue reading

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CAT control & ALC sensing complete!

I’ve finally managed to finish my Arduino CAT control project! Woo hoo! The project took longer than anticipated due to a number of reasons, one of which being the fine weather we’ve enjoyed this summer (and all the camping that … Continue reading

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