Tag Archives: FT-857D

CAT control via microprocessor

So I have a bit of a new mini-project: I have decided to turn my attention to adding (limited) μ-(microprocessor)-control of my radio to the list of things I am working on. This whole idea stemmed from my desire to … Continue reading

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Easter Vacation = Mobile Ops

Once again, I was on the road with my wife to visit some of her family which provided me with an opportunity to do some mobile HF operating. This time, however, I did not have any success of HF. For … Continue reading

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Sound-card interfaces … home brew one!

After talking with a recent course graduate about operating using digital modes, etc., the topic of radio-to-computer (sound card) interfaces came up. For those who are unaware, a sound-card interface allows one to safely connect their radio’s audio input and … Continue reading

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Second road-trip (in as many weeks)

So, Julie and I just returned from a road-trip to visit her father in Oshawa which meant another opportunity for me to play radio for a few hours. On the way down, bands were looking decent (considering the recent coronal … Continue reading

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