Tag Archives: linux

APRS & Soundmodem

I was not satisfied with my prior results with the APRS testing, so I setup soundmodem in an Ubuntu environment on my trusty netbook and set-off to decode packets. As expected, everything went well – soundmodem was decoding local packets … Continue reading

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Raspberry Pi & Soundmodem – It works!!

It is a bout time for an update on my Raspberry Pi APRS project. (Part 01) Many months ago I was working on getting a Raspberry Pi working for APRS work. I was experiencing a ton of issues with getting … Continue reading

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Raspberry Pi & Soundmodem for APRS

So I’ve been tinkering with my Raspberry Pi board, and one of the most recent additions is a pair of heat-sinks to offset the addition of additional thermal loading due to over-clocking. In an effort to get soundmodem working on … Continue reading

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Easter Vacation = Mobile Ops

Once again, I was on the road with my wife to visit some of her family which provided me with an opportunity to do some mobile HF operating. This time, however, I did not have any success of HF. For … Continue reading

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