Tag Archives: xastir

Raspberry Pi & Soundmodem for APRS

So I’ve been tinkering with my Raspberry Pi board, and one of the most recent additions is a pair of heat-sinks to offset the addition of additional thermal loading due to over-clocking. In an effort to get soundmodem working on … Continue reading

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.. APRS with a what kind of pie?!

So I’ve been using Xastir (linux) to provide a sound-card modem for packet radio with quite a bit of success, however, it is kind of hackish and inconvenient to lug around a netbook for the sole purpose of APRS tracking. … Continue reading

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Easter Vacation = Mobile Ops

Once again, I was on the road with my wife to visit some of her family which provided me with an opportunity to do some mobile HF operating. This time, however, I did not have any success of HF. For … Continue reading

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More Linux & Radio

Day two of my field-testing the Linux netbook. The machine I use is an Asus eeePC Seashell netbook with an Intel Atom 1.5GHz processor and 2GB RAM. It will last ~8 hours on a charge and is plenty powerful enough … Continue reading

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