Tag Archives: DSP-232+

DSP232+ and the RTS / CTS fix

If you own a Timewave DSP-232+ TNC and are trying to connect to it using a USB to serial adapter, then you have likely come across issues when trying to operate in KISS mode. No matter what the settings, it … Continue reading

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DSP-232+ and KISS operation

While I wait for my DS1243Y-120+ samples to arrive, I thought I would spend a bit of time working with my DSP-232+ and a Raspberry Pi. Although the DSP-232+ is capable of acting as a standalone system, I would like … Continue reading

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Modifying a Timewave DSP-232+

Now that I have a feedline to the attic, I can really start to make use of my radio and its accessories. Some time ago I picked up a Timewave DSP-232+ TNC / full featured radio modem. I thought it … Continue reading

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APRS / packet radio / TNC fun

Hi all, I’ve had a crazy summer so far, and as a result I’ve had little time for tinkering and ham radio. Despite this fact, I’ve managed to acquire a new (to me) piece of kit: a Timewave DSP-232+ DSP … Continue reading

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