Category Archives: Operating

Characterizing a Bencher YA-1 low-pass (TVI) filter

Some time ago I bought a couple of low-pass / TVI filters from a ham-fest. It is mandatory to ensure that you are not producing out-of-band or otherwise harmful interference and so having such a filter assists in ensuring that … Continue reading

Posted in General, Lab / Testing, Operating | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , | 5 Comments

Troubleshooting an interface

After we arrived home on Saturday (29th) and unpacked everything from the trip, I set out to determine the cause of my inability to operate digital while mobile. My first suspicion was an open in the cable, so I tested … Continue reading

Posted in General, Operating, Project | Tagged , , , , , , , , | 2 Comments

Planning & Preparation ..

Well, despite my intentions, I am not able to operate /M using digital modes. On our way up to Webwood, ON. I tried to make a few PSK31 contacts while Julie drove but the radio indicated no ALC while in … Continue reading

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Mobile Operating ..

Well, time to pack up the radio gear and make the long trek out to Webwood once again this year. Tomorrow morning, we are off to visit Julie’s mother & her family to spread some Christmas cheer and so this … Continue reading

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