Category Archives: General

Moved in – lots of work still

So its been a month since my last update here and I figured this is long over-due. We’ve moved into the new house and have started tackling some of the myriad projects we bought with the house. I started by … Continue reading

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Update: Nine days and counting (down)

Well, only nine days until we take possession of our new house and I couldn’t be more excited! My intentions were to sneak some radio-time into the past few weeks and I almost succeeded. Almost. When I hooked everything up … Continue reading

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Been busy …

Hi all, I’ve been away from the hobby for a bit as Julie and I recently purchased a new home! Yay! We are mostly done all of the running around, inspections, negotiations, etc. so I should have some more free … Continue reading

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Troubleshooting an interface

After we arrived home on Saturday (29th) and unpacked everything from the trip, I set out to determine the cause of my inability to operate digital while mobile. My first suspicion was an open in the cable, so I tested … Continue reading

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