Exam Software – Android

Well .. looks like I couldn’t leave well enough alone .. I’ve started yet another project. I am attempting to write a Canadian Amateur Radio Basic Exam application for the Android platform.

So far, I have put every single exam question from RIC-7 into a MySQL database, which has:

  1. taken a lot more effort than I had expected
  2. produced some interesting results

Basic exam question pool distribution

After analyzing the distribution of answers in the basic exam question pool, I can offer the following data. Here is the distribution of correct answers by their answer number:

  1. 27.73%
  2. 23.87%
  3. 24.20%
  4. 24.30%
  • Section #1 : (regulations) only 20.79% of answers are “2”
  • Section #2: 29% of answers are “1” whereas only 18.35% of answers are “3”
  • Section #3: 29% of answers are “1”
  • Section #4: 36% of answers are “2” and < 15% of answers are “3”
  • Section #5: 31% of answers are “1”
  • Section #6: 30% of answers are either 1 or 2
  • Section #7 & 8: 33% of answers are “4”

Not a terribly even distribution of answers if you ask me… I always suspected there was some skew to the distribution though I had never analyzed it until now.

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