Teaching & Collaboration

Its that time of year again, and the OVMRC is once again hosting its Amateur Radio Course. I’ve been asked to help provide some of the lectures once again, and it is my honour and delight to offer my assistance to Ernie (VE3EJJ). We have a fantastic turnout this year with lots of eager students who have already shown how engaged they are in their learning (fantastic!).

I gave a lecture on Current & Ohm’s Law – two fairly fundamental topics which are pivotal to other topics to be discussed later in the year. The slides are available in the Files / Downloads section as always.

In other news, Marc (ON5RR) from Belgium phoned me up a couple of weeks ago asking if I would be interested in collaborating with him on a Doppler tuning project he is working on. I imagine that Marc called me as he must have seen the FT857D CAT control library that I wrote for the Arduino platform.

I am excited to be working on this project with Marc, and I eagerly await his return from a vacation so that we can start plugging away more at the code side of the collaboration. I’ve completed the library (in terms of Clar. functions) and this was the first hurdle in the project. Next, Marc will be porting his code over to the Arudino platform as his Arduino Uno board arrived in the mail recently.

More to follow …

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