OVMRC Meeting & Course Graduation

Tonight at the OVMRC general meeting for March, we celebrated the graduation of the entire course. To have every candidate pass the Basic exam is quite an accomplishment and is a testament to the quality of the course itself.

It was nice to see almost all of my cohort make it out to the graduation – we all hope to see each other at the next general meeting in April, and more exciting, we hope to hear each other on the air over the next little bit!

After the graduation ceremony, the attention shifted to home-brew night where there were a number of excellent projects on display. I will leave the details to the club newsletter (which can be found here).

Update: Here is a clip of Ernie (VE3EJJ) demonstrating his project:

After the meeting, some of us met at the local coffee joint for some drinks and junk food. It was nice to have some more time to chit-chat with everyone before we all went out separate ways.

All in all, it was a nice evening and I enjoyed seeing everyone out at the meeting. I really can’t wait for field-day; I hope that I can get the time off from work!

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