Second Lecture: Parallel LC & Harmonics

So tonight I presented my second set of lectures to the current OVMRC Amateur Radio Class which covered parallel LC circuits and harmonics.

I really enjoy presenting the material as I feel all of the topics are really interesting and I enjoy sharing the joy of knowledge with others. It seemed as though the topics were fairly well received since parallel LC closely follows serial LC (with the exception that the I and Z characteristics are opposite).

I skipped around the vector analysis portion since I felt that although it was quite interesting, and effectively explains the I and Z curve over a range of frequencies, it was perhaps a little too rich for a formal presentation of the material. I intend my talks to supplement the course manual and not simply regurgitate the material. My hope was that anyone interested in the finer points would take it upon themselves to read through the manual very closely in the vector analysis portion should they find the urge.

All in all, it was a fun night. Ernie (VE3EJJ) gave his talk on vacuum tubes with some great discussion on bias points, etc. It was nice to see a familiar face at the session last night – Bob Shaw (VE3SUY) and so it was a pleasure to see him before he makes his way out west for the winter. Bob gave a great talk on crystal sets and how they make use of parallel LC circuits in the tuning stage. I’ll have to remember to bring that up in future lectures should I have the opportunity!

Well, that just about wraps it up .. more later I suppose!

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