OVMRC – Week 20 – Exams

The second-last night of the OVMRC Operator’s Course was the first of two exam nights. There were many anxious faces going into the night, and plenty of smiles at the end. Most managed to achieve, or even exceed their goals which is fantastic! Congrats to all who met their objectives tonight.

There are a few who will take advantage of another exam night next week to improve their scores in an effort to achieve their personal objectives for the course. I wish them all the best in their studies, and hope to even see one or two out at the next study session I plan to run.

I myself wrote the Advanced exam (even though I wasn’t expecting to) and fared about as well as I thought I would. Suffice it to say that I am quite pleased with my showing. So another feather in the cap, and one last qualification to nail-down. I just need to start practicing my Morse Code!

In the event that I don’t see all of my cohort next week, I wish everyone the very best in their pursuits, and I dearly hope to see some more familiar faces at OVMRC events in the near future.

73 all, and good work!


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