Monthly Archives: January 2011

OVMRC – Week 15

This Week: *Regulations Part I by VE3QMC *Operating Procedures by VE3EJJ & VE3OIJ This week we started to cover the rules and regulations behind the use of the Amateur Radio spectrum. The presentation was given by Michael (VE3QMC) who is … Continue reading

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OVMRC – Week 14

This Week: *VHF/UHF station operation by VE3EJJ *Station setup & buying equipment by VE3OIJ This week’s material covered a topic that hints at the summation of the course once everyone passes the Industry Canada examination – actually buying & using … Continue reading

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VE3JW FN25 …

This afternoon I stopped by VE3JW to learn from Ernie (VE3EJJ) while he worked at the club station. As it turned out, I spent the afternoon trying to tune in satellites which is most certainly not as easy as it … Continue reading

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Changing blog back-end

What a pain in the butt! I wasn’t entirely satisfied with the previous blog back-end I was using (PluggedOut) and so I ported the blog site over to the more popular WordPress package. I wish that I was able to … Continue reading

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