OVMRC – Week 15

This Week:

*Regulations Part I by VE3QMC
*Operating Procedures by VE3EJJ & VE3OIJ

This week we started to cover the rules and regulations behind the use of the Amateur Radio spectrum. The presentation was given by Michael (VE3QMC) who is an Industry Canada employee whose work parallels the regulatory aspects of Amateur Radio. The material was very direct and to-the-point as R&Rs tend to be. We expect another two full modules on regulations – this should be a hint as to the content of the Basic examination.

The second portion of the evening was a review of VHF/UHF operating procedures given by Ernie (VE3EJJ) and Darin (VE3OIJ). We did an in-class practicum in that we ran a miniature net to get people on the air. It was an excellent exercise because people operated the radio in much the same way that they will in the future. I saw a lot of smiles, so it was well received by the group.

As always, I quite enjoyed the evening and I continue to look forward to each session.

I enjoyed an after-class chat with Darin and Ernie and without realizing it, spent almost 30 minutes gabbing away. I could really learn a lot from these guys if given the opportunity.

Well, more regulations next week – and hopefully some on-air time at VE3JW.

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