OVMRC – Week 16

This Week:

*Electromagnetic Compatibility by VE3BBM

The topic this week was presented by Ralph (VE3BBM) and dealt with electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) which covers radio interference & lack of immunity. This topic is of great interest because it is in everyone’s interest not to interfere (whenever possible) with the day-to-day lives of our neighbours. And likewise, it is important for us so that we can effectively deal with sources of noise which effect our ability to operate.

The entire evening was dedicated to this topic as there is a lot of information to cover. Ralph’s talk was extremely informative as his professional experience dealt with EMC in a variety of situations. I really appreciated hearing stories of his personal and professional experiences in dealing with EMC since it helps to hear actual examples of what is being discussed.

As usual, the OVMRC is able to tap into some great expertise to present the material which is pertinent to both the Basic exam and to the interest and technical sides of our hobby. As always, VE3EJJ (Ernie) was there to help guide us through the material and to offer some additional pointers on Ralph’s talk.

We covered the material with time to spare and so it was a nice opportunity to chat with everyone for a bit before dispersing. Hopefully we can do the same after the Basic exam – it would be nice to establish a circle of friends from my cohort.

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One Response to OVMRC – Week 16

  1. Robert VE2AGE says:

    Ralph is a gentleman and a scholar. He helped me with a kit I built before I got my ticket in 2005.
    He is a founding member of the OVMRC and has a national reputation as an EMC expert.

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