Monthly Archives: December 2010


Okay, it is confirmed. I really am a geek. There was no OVMRC radio class tonight and I was a bit bummed out. This week’s homework is to memorize the phonetic alphabet and to learn some of the Q-codes. I … Continue reading

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OVMRC Course – Week 12

This Week: *Transmission Lines by VE3EJJ *Antennas by VE3SUY This week started with an informative discussion led by Ernie (VE3EJJ) on the topic of transmission lines and their properties. There was a great deal of theory covered in the discussion, … Continue reading

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OVMRC Christmas Pot-Luck

Tonight was the annual OVMRC Christmas pot-luck dinner (my first with the club). The turn out was pretty decent, though it would have been great to see more people there! There was lots of great food and dessert. I really … Continue reading

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OVMRC Course – Week 11

This Week: *Radio Receivers by VE3SUY *Digital Techniques by VE3EMB This week Bob (VE3SUY) covered methods of detecting radio signals in some detail. It was an extremely educational talk, even those having some familiarity with this topic would benefit from … Continue reading

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