OVMRC Christmas Pot-Luck

Tonight was the annual OVMRC Christmas pot-luck dinner (my first with the club). The turn out was pretty decent, though it would have been great to see more people there! There was lots of great food and dessert.

I really enjoyed seeing the familiar teaching cadre (VE3EJJ – Ernie, VE3SUY – Bob, VE3OIJ – Darin) as well as some new acquaintances. I wish I could better remember the call-signs – though a few names stick out: Ziggy and Joe being two such names.

These social functions are a fantastic opportunity to become better acquainted with fellow radio amateurs and should never be passed up! We discussed many great topics ranging from technical aspects of radio, to personal experiences with being victims of credit card fraud.

For anyone who has the opportunity to attend a club function, I highly recommend you go! Get off your butt and enjoy the company of your fellow enthusiasts! Maybe I will see you there 🙂

A special thanks goes out to my beautiful fiancee, Julie, for joining me for the Christmas pot-luck. Truthfully, she did more than just accompany me – she also did most of the work for our contribution to the dinner. It was really nice to share a little bit of my new hobby with her!

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