Category Archives: OVMRC Course

OVMRC – Week 14

This Week: *VHF/UHF station operation by VE3EJJ *Station setup & buying equipment by VE3OIJ This week’s material covered a topic that hints at the summation of the course once everyone passes the Industry Canada examination – actually buying & using … Continue reading

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OVMRC – Week 13

This Week: *Propagation by VE3OIJ *Safety by VE3EJJ It felt like an eternity since our last radio class – what a nice return to my geek sense of normalcy. It was really great to see everyone come out for the … Continue reading

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Okay, it is confirmed. I really am a geek. There was no OVMRC radio class tonight and I was a bit bummed out. This week’s homework is to memorize the phonetic alphabet and to learn some of the Q-codes. I … Continue reading

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OVMRC Course – Week 12

This Week: *Transmission Lines by VE3EJJ *Antennas by VE3SUY This week started with an informative discussion led by Ernie (VE3EJJ) on the topic of transmission lines and their properties. There was a great deal of theory covered in the discussion, … Continue reading

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