Category Archives: General

SG-230 Smartuner (Antenna coupler) investigation

I am fortunate that I have in my possession an SG-230 Smartuner remote automatic antenna coupler. This unit is capable of “tuning” a wide variety of antenna configurations from 1.6 to 30 MHz at power levels between 3 to 200W … Continue reading

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Electronics as a hobby ..

For many years now, I have enjoyed electronics as a hobby; something to keep my grey matter engaged and a creative outlet to solve real-world challenges. I view every “problem” which I encounter to be an opportunity to devise an … Continue reading

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2 Year update

Well, Perhaps it is time to pull the plug on this blog? I haven’t updated in two years mostly because (unfortunately) this place has taken a back-seat to the daily grind. With two young children, there is not much time … Continue reading

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Yaesu FT-8900R Repair – Part 01

While visiting family in Espanola, the three of us (Julie, Felix and I) stayed with one of Julie’s cousins (Denis), who as it happens is a fellow ham (VE3OOZ). Back in May, Denis showed me some of his radio gear … Continue reading

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