Author Archives: James

Digital modes & the importance of synchronization

When using the newest digital modes (such as JT65, FT8, FT4, etc…) to decode signals well into the noise floor, it is imperative to have accurate time. More accurately, it is important to have good synchronization. Many modern protocols used … Continue reading

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SG-230 Smartuner (Antenna coupler) investigation

I am fortunate that I have in my possession an SG-230 Smartuner remote automatic antenna coupler. This unit is capable of “tuning” a wide variety of antenna configurations from 1.6 to 30 MHz at power levels between 3 to 200W … Continue reading

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Electronics as a hobby ..

For many years now, I have enjoyed electronics as a hobby; something to keep my grey matter engaged and a creative outlet to solve real-world challenges. I view every “problem” which I encounter to be an opportunity to devise an … Continue reading

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2 Year update

Well, Perhaps it is time to pull the plug on this blog? I haven’t updated in two years mostly because (unfortunately) this place has taken a back-seat to the daily grind. With two young children, there is not much time … Continue reading

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