So its been a month since my last update here and I figured this is long over-due.
We’ve moved into the new house and have started tackling some of the myriad projects we bought with the house. I started by installing the house’s first sump pump since it was built – it was long over due and frankly, I am shocked there wasn’t one in the first place!
We’ve still got a lot of cleaning to do – most of which exists in our “out building” / cottage. I’d like to make the loft into a radio-room, and to do so will require a pretty thorough cleaning of the entire structure. I’ve got a contractor coming by tomorrow to offer a quote on trash removal – I’m looking at the $400 mark to get rid of all the previous owner’s trash. Oh the joys!
On the tower front, I may already have permission from my YL to erect it immediately behind the cottage – I think the only stipulation may be not to go the full 80′ I could theoretically manage. I’ll be looking at the 50′ mark or so I imagine. I would also like to find a spot for my mil. spec. high-precision azimuth / elevation control system that I picked up from the Fed. I can’t wait to start trying my hand at EME.
Perhaps I will string up my G5RV Jr. to make a few QSOs tomorrow – its been far too long since I last played radio!
On an electronics related note, I’ve spent some of my over-time money that I’ve been saving for quite some time .. I’ll give out some more details soon 😉
Well, back to the projects for now!