Well, between working long hours (including over-time), helping teach the OVMRC Amateur Radio Course, tutoring a friend’s daughter, and house hunting, I haven’t had a lot of time to sit down and play.
On the docket for the immediate future is house hunting!
We are looking at a number of properties around Ottawa with the intent to hopefully settle into a house with a large(ish) property that could perhaps support my love of radio in some way (ie. tower). Truthfully, I’d settle for a nice home with a space which I can dedicate to all my nerdy hobbies – a true at-home hackerspace.
I haven’t made a contact in many, many months now .. and so I think that tomorrow I might just pack up all my radio stuff and operate mobile (park & play) to get some RF time in.
I’ve mostly packed up my electronics stuff (for now) since I’ve had it out for months, strewn about my computer desk which really makes our one-bedroom apartment look messy. Oh how I long for a workshop.
Well, that is all for now – with any luck I’ll have more to report soon.