Tonight I checked into the OVMRC Wise Owl Net hosted on VE3TWO (the OVMRC club repeater) to see what it is all about. The net started at 04:00UTC and was controlled / hosted by Martin (VA3SIE).
Again I was warmly greeted by the participants – it really helps in getting over being mic-shy (as Ernie, VE3EJJ puts it). The topics included HF propagation monitoring using marine (Coast Guard) HF, antennas for appartments which I recommended an ARRL publication held at the main branch of the Ottawa Public Library (Low Profile Amateur Radio Operating A Ham Station from Almost Anywhere: Link to the OPL listing here), and the up coming OVMRC meeting on Jan 20th.
Net participants included: Maurice Andre (VE3VIG), Jean (VE2OCQ), Patrick (VA3CMD), Bob (VA3QV), Mathieu (VA3ECM), and Roger (VE3NPO).