Monthly Archives: January 2011

Wise Owl Net

Tonight I checked into the OVMRC Wise Owl Net hosted on VE3TWO (the OVMRC club repeater) to see what it is all about. The net started at 04:00UTC and was controlled / hosted by Martin (VA3SIE). Again I was warmly … Continue reading

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My first contacts in amateur radio

So tonight I checked into the OVMRC’s Welcome Mat Net to finally start my journey in amateur radio. The net was hosted by Ante (VA2BBW) and saw a healthy number of participants including: VE3KNE (Brian), VE2OCQ (Jean), VA3CMD (Patrick), VE3XHJ … Continue reading

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OVMRC – Week 13

This Week: *Propagation by VE3OIJ *Safety by VE3EJJ It felt like an eternity since our last radio class – what a nice return to my geek sense of normalcy. It was really great to see everyone come out for the … Continue reading

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